Nostalgic Apocalypse: 'Stalker' Collection Evokes Childhood Emotions.

The inspiration behind the "Stalker" collection draws from Tarkovsky's cinematic portrayal of explorers traversing surreal and abandoned landscapes. Infused with a sense of mystery and melancholy, the collection explores themes of nostalgia and introspection, echoing the profound connection between beauty and desolation.

In 'Stalker,' each garment encapsulates the essence of melancholy and nostalgia, reflecting the subconscious codes derived from Francesco's childhood. Rustic textures, earthy tones, and ethereal silhouettes seamlessly blend, transporting the wearer to forgotten landscapes reclaimed by nature. As the collection unfolds, it becomes a conduit for reconnecting with the past, inviting wearers on a journey through the corridors of memory. Each piece serves as a poignant reminder of bygone days, stirring dormant emotions and evoking a longing for the innocence and wonder of youth.